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edit joint within osim

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2022 5:15 pm
by ylim
Hi, is there any scripting method that allows me to edit joint's orientation and location information for the parent and child wo creating a new joint? Cant seem to do this within the opensim matlab scripting methods.

I have also tried to do Tim's xml based matlab osim methods but when the editted osim keeps crashing when brought into opensim.

Any advice on either will help greatly. Thanks!

Re: edit joint within osim

Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2022 11:49 am
by ongcf
Please see the doxygen documentation for Joint (note this is for version 3.3): ... Joint.html

Methods such as `setLocationInParent()`, `setOrientationInParent()`, and `setLocationInChild()` could be helpful for your case.