Peroneus longus activation within a generic model
Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2022 8:41 am
I have a quick question about the peroneus longus muscle activation in static optimaization. Using gait 2392 and Rajagopal generic model, I have averaged 50 stances of walking in healthy adults to get ankle joint contact force using static optimization. The magnitude and temporal aspects of axial ankle joint contact force look good compared to previosuly published data. But is it normal to get activation level of less than .05 out of 1 for the peroneus longus during stance phase of walking? I know it is an assitant plantarflexor muscles compared to triceps surae but I think it is too small.
I tried to find some previously published articles if there is any related data out there but couldn't find any studies reported peroneus longus activation data either for outcomes or validation.
Is that potentially because I'm locking subtalar and MTP joints in the residual reduction algorithm? Or the generic model is not sensitive to catch it?
I have a quick question about the peroneus longus muscle activation in static optimaization. Using gait 2392 and Rajagopal generic model, I have averaged 50 stances of walking in healthy adults to get ankle joint contact force using static optimization. The magnitude and temporal aspects of axial ankle joint contact force look good compared to previosuly published data. But is it normal to get activation level of less than .05 out of 1 for the peroneus longus during stance phase of walking? I know it is an assitant plantarflexor muscles compared to triceps surae but I think it is too small.
I tried to find some previously published articles if there is any related data out there but couldn't find any studies reported peroneus longus activation data either for outcomes or validation.
Is that potentially because I'm locking subtalar and MTP joints in the residual reduction algorithm? Or the generic model is not sensitive to catch it?