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muscle editing deselects points
Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 12:05 am
by jrhutch
Hi, I've been using OpenSim 4.4 to edit muscle paths, which was going fine but now suddenly in all models when I select (in GeometryPath) and move a point in the GUI, it immediately deselects it after moving, which it was not doing before (selection of path points persisted). I've reinstalled + rebooted; same problem still.
Re: muscle editing deselects points
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2022 10:58 am
by ongcf
Thanks for reporting. I'm also seeing this in the OpenSim 4.4 GUI. Specifically, this seems to be occurring for me for muscles with wrapping but not for muscles with no wrap objects. Is this consistent with what you're seeing too?
Re: muscle editing deselects points
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2022 9:38 pm
by jrhutch
Ahh, interesting, yes that is the case for me too; wrapping is the root cause, it appears.
Re: muscle editing deselects points
Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2022 9:44 pm
by jrhutch
And same problem w/wrapping now in 4.3, oddly enough, although it seems much more tolerant of allowing you to re-select muscle points in the visualizer window after they get deselected (4.4 always seems to want to select surrounding bodies not muscle pts, in my experience lately).
Re: muscle editing deselects points
Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2022 10:32 am
by ongcf
Thanks for checking that and helping us isolate the issue, it's super helpful for debugging on our end.
One workaround that is working for me is that after moving the muscle point (and then the GUI deselects it), I can at least get back to it by checking a different path point, and then checking the box of the original path point that I want to work with. Definitely not ideal but hopefully can save a little time.