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model.initSystem() OpenSim4.4 causes Matlab to crash

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2022 7:48 am
by ianloram

I have set Matlab to run with OpenSim 4.4 e.g.
>> org.opensim.modeling.opensimCommon.GetVersion()
ans =

When I run the example scripts, I find that the command "state = model.initSystem();" causes Matlab to crash.
For example at line 99in "build_and_simulate_simple_arm.m" from ...\OpenSim\4.4\Code\Matlab

I have tested two versions on Matlab 2020a and 2022b on this PC.
I have tested Matlab 2020a on another PC.
I have tested the model.initSystem command in other example scripts.

Please can someone help?
Is there any more information I can send.

With many thanks