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Configuring Opensim3.3 with MATLAB 2022a

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2023 11:00 pm
by zakiahussain

I switched to OpenSim 3.3 since I am using CEINMS toolbox. Unfortunately, when I run the configureOpenSim.m file in scripts folder of OpenSim 3.3 It throws an error (definitely cause its a much newer version of MATLAB)

I have included that in the image.

Is there any way I can configure them?

Thank you

Re: Configuring Opensim3.3 with MATLAB 2022a

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2023 10:30 am
by aymanh

It's possible that you need admin permissions to find the required files used by the scripts, you can also compare the scripts in 4.4 vs 3.3 to figure out what changed and adjust accordingly. It would be great if you report to the forum to help the user community.

Just keep in mind that the jump from 3.3 to 4.0+ is significant and involved massive changes so you may not be able to use many of the recent models, other tools that were developed since then.

Best regards,

Re: Configuring Opensim3.3 with MATLAB 2022a

Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2023 7:47 pm
by zakiahussain
Thanks Ayman.

The problem indeed gets solved by running MATLAB as an administrator and then running the configureopensim.m file in MATLAB.