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Unable to open marker file, but only for half the files

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2023 1:48 pm
by mlukaszewicz
I can't use some of my files in opensim, because when I try to open them to scale the model or for inverse kinematics I get the "unable to open marker file" error. Preview the experimental data also doesn't work for those files.
But the rest of files (more than half) work with no problem. All data was collected on the same machine with identical configuration and then converted to .trc and .mot files in the same way.
How do I go about troubleshooting this problem? Files that give error don't seem corrupted or anything. Thank you in advance

Re: Unable to open marker file, but only for half the files

Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2023 2:27 pm
by aymanh
Hi Milosz,

I'd send an example file either here if small or open an issue on github and attach the problem file and we'll take a look. My guess would be that there's something different in the header, space/separator(s) between the files that work and the others that don't. What did you use to convert the file and is it on the same platform (line endings could be an issue).

Best regards,

Re: Unable to open marker file, but only for half the files

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 6:46 am
by mlukaszewicz
I have attached two files, the "not working" one gives me the error message. These are .trc files, but had to change extension to share them here.
If you could tell me what is the problem that would mean a world to me.

Re: Unable to open marker file, but only for half the files

Posted: Wed Mar 08, 2023 6:35 pm
by aymanh

While I had no issue previewing the trc file that was reported as not working, the header data is incorrect as the number of frames is off by 1. It's possible the handling of the trc file is more strict in the scale tool than preview mode. Please fix this either in the file itself or the tool that writes the file/header and let us know if it fixes the problem.
