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How to compute outputs from the solution in Moco

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2023 6:53 am
by sjk123
Hello everyone!
When I finish solve the study and obtain a MocoSolution, I want to extract the information I want from the Moco simulation results.
In the matlab moco simulation, I use the following code to extract the target result information.

gaitTrackingSolution = study.solve();
outputs = StdVectorString();
table = study.analyze(gaitTrackingSolution,outputs);

However, the desired results cannot be obtained, and the following warning prompts are provided:

"Warning: No outputs were connected to 'reporter' of type TableReporter__double_. You can connect outputs by calling addToReport()."

I hope someone can help me and look forward to any response from you.
Thank you very much!

Song Jingke

Re: How to compute outputs from the solution in Moco

Posted: Sat Apr 01, 2023 8:09 pm
by sjk123
OK, I have found the cause of the problem.