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Inverse Kinematics data processing (center of mass, momentum, kinetic energy, whole-body inertia)

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2023 10:27 am
by mraitor

I've been working on manipulating inverse kinematics data to calculate center of mass position/veloctiy, angular momentum, kinetic energy, and whole-body inertia. it took a bit more coding than expected due to my model using locked joints when I ran IK, so I wanted to post the code here incase it is helpful for anyone else.

Thanks to Nick Bianco for finding the core issue/addressing it in the attached code.
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Re: Inverse Kinematics data processing (center of mass, momentum, kinetic energy, whole-body inertia)

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2023 10:36 pm
by kernalnet
Hi Michael,

I was working on a similar thing and it is of great help, thanks for sharing.

One question: I applied coordinate's value and speed using OpenSim::Coordinate::setValue and OpenSim::Coordinate::setSpeedValue followed by realizeVelocity(). Do you think the methods are similar?

Thank you - Mohammadreza