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Errors in function trying to access parent frame, ground frame etc

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2023 12:32 am
by vigneshrk

I am trying to access or transform a marker from global coordinate system to body-frame reference. Unfortunately when I call functions such as marker.getParentFrame(), marker.getLocationInGround(state) etc, in the inverse kinematic step, it always throws an exception.

The errors I get state: InverseKinematicsTool Failed: Component has no underlying System.
You must call initSystem() on the top-level Component (i.e. Model) first.

or WaistLFront[error] InverseKinematicsTool Failed: Socket parent_frame of type PhysicalFrame in / of type Marker is not connected.

How do I fix this?


Re: Errors in function trying to access parent frame, ground frame etc

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2023 7:30 am
by kernalnet
Hi, call "model.initSystem()" first.

Re: Errors in function trying to access parent frame, ground frame etc

Posted: Sun Apr 23, 2023 7:37 am
by vigneshrk

I do call the function but I still get the error. In the osim file, there is no parent frame but socket parent frame. Is that an issue ?