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Model customization

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 7:49 am
by guidoresmini
Hi everybody!
I'm trying to customize the Dynamic Arm Simulator ( model with some patient-specific geometries I exported from 3D Slicer (and maintaining only the scapula, the clavicle and the humerus). When I export the .vtp files and I try to open them on OpenSim, the bones are shifted, ... sp=sharing
while opening them on other programmes such as ParaView the position is correct. Can anybody explain me why or suggest me how to translate the bones modifying the model script?

Re: Model customization

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2023 10:56 am
by aymanh
Hi Guido,

Built into the mesh files are some assumptions:
1. Units: looking at the mesh alone is not enough, it's rather how it's scaled relative to the rest of the model.
2. CS: coordinate system and origin location
I'd recommend you look at a version of the model that display correctly and make sure you maintain the units and origin/CS when saving your meshes in Slicer.

Note also that you can change the transform of a mesh (translation, rotation, scale) within the model .osim file directly and/or OpenSim GUI.

Hope this helps,