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Saving joint angle data from C3D to .mot

Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2024 9:43 am
by tinagarman1987
Hi. I am wanting to bring in joint angle data (and EMG data eventually) that is stored in a C3D file into OpenSim. I understand that this data needs to be saved as a .mot file. What is the easiest way to do this? I have used matlab in the past to get the marker and forceplate data into a .trc and .mot file but I have not had luck with exporting the joint angles from the C3D. Thanks!

Re: Saving joint angle data from C3D to .mot

Posted: Thu Jan 04, 2024 1:36 pm
by kernalnet
If I'm not mistaken, in C3D files, the model outputs (Angles, Forces, Moments, and Powers) are included in Point data, i.e., they are already available in your markers data. Fortunately, since OpenSim v.4.4.1, you can get your EMG data via getAnalogDataTable. Please see: ... ith+Matlab ... 3dExport.m ... /osimC3D.m