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XML error

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2024 3:31 am
by mahshida
Hello community,
I was working on a model and was trying to add certain body segments to the model and when I compiled my XML file it gave this error can somebody help me here?

Re: XML error

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2024 11:54 pm
by tkuchida
It's difficult to diagnose the issue without more information about how to reproduce the error. If you are attempting to add body segments by modifying an existing osim file manually (e.g., in Notepad++), then there may be an error in one or more of the Socket paths. If you are attempting to add body segments using a script, then you may be missing a call to add a new ModelComponent to the Model, or you may be missing a call to initSystem(). Perhaps take a look at some of the example scripts for building models (e.g., buildWalker_Complete.m: ... Complete.m) or provide more information.

Re: XML error

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2024 2:04 am
by mahshida
hello professor,
I was modifying an osim file manually using notepad, i even fixed the socket paths but it is still showing the same error.

Re: XML error

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2024 10:06 am
by tkuchida
I was modifying an osim file manually using notepad
This is not a recommended method for building models, particularly for OpenSim version 4.0 and later, since it is difficult to get all the details (syntax, component paths, etc.) correct. You might want to use the scripting interface ( ... evelopment). OpenSim Creator is another option (