Problem with the input of coordinates into the IK solver
Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2024 7:47 am
I am a complete beginner in OpenSim and have a project at university where I have to extract 3D keypoints from a pose estimation model and then use them to determine the inverse kinematic and inverse dynamic in OpenSim. The whole thing is supposed to run in Python.
I have spent the last few days doing a lot of research and found these two programms: ... /
I tried to take the methods from the two programs, but they have a slightly different structure than in my case, they use queues. In my case, however, I would run the calculations sequentially to my Estimetion pose. (I don't know if it would be better to integrate a queue)
Furthermore, I am not sure how to get the coordinates (all values go from 0 to 1) from my Pose Estimation into the IK Solver. I have given a previous code below:
I am of course available for further questions.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am a complete beginner in OpenSim and have a project at university where I have to extract 3D keypoints from a pose estimation model and then use them to determine the inverse kinematic and inverse dynamic in OpenSim. The whole thing is supposed to run in Python.
I have spent the last few days doing a lot of research and found these two programms: ... /
I tried to take the methods from the two programs, but they have a slightly different structure than in my case, they use queues. In my case, however, I would run the calculations sequentially to my Estimetion pose. (I don't know if it would be better to integrate a queue)
Furthermore, I am not sure how to get the coordinates (all values go from 0 to 1) from my Pose Estimation into the IK Solver. I have given a previous code below:
Code: Select all
import NewPoseEstimation as pm
import cv2
import opensim as osim
osimModel = osim.Model("Ergonomicus_DIN33402_Male_P50_OpenSim4.0.osim")
state = osimModel.initSystem()
q = state.getQ()
modelViz = osimModel.getVisualizer()
viz = modelViz.getSimbodyVisualizer()
cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
detector = pm.PoseEstimatior()
accuracy = 0.05
constraint_var = 1
def fromArrayStr(array_str):
r = [array_str.getitem(i) for i in range(array_str.getSize())]
return r
except Exception as err:
raise err
markerNamesArray = osim.ArrayStr()
markerNames = fromArrayStr(markerNamesArray)
nMarkers = len(markerNames)
coordinateNamesArray = osim.ArrayStr()
coordinateNames = fromArrayStr(coordinateNamesArray)
nCoordinates = osimModel.getNumCoordinates()
markerWeights = {marker: 1 for marker in markerNames}
sortedMarkerWeights = [markerWeights[marker] for marker in markerNames]
osimMarkerWeights = osim.SetMarkerWeights()
for marker in markerNames:
osimMarkerWeights.adoptAndAppend(osim.MarkerWeight(marker, markerWeights[marker]))
markersReference = osim.MarkersReference()
coordinateRefs = osim.CoordinateReference()
#InverseKinematicsSolver (const Model &model, const MarkersReference &markersReference, SimTK::Array_< CoordinateReference > &coordinateReferences, double constraintWeight=SimTK::Infinity)
ikSolver = osim.InverseKinematicsSolver(osimModel, markersReference, coordinateRefs, constraint_var)
while cap.isOpened():
_, img =
img = detector.findPose(img)
lmList, complete = detector.getPosition(img)
if complete:
if previousAngles:
#Person not in Frame -> Same State as before
cv2.imshow("Image", img)
if cv2.waitKey(1) == ord('q'):
Any help would be greatly appreciated.