Static Optimization without experimental data
Posted: Thu Mar 14, 2024 7:32 am
Hi everyone,
I would like to determine the resultant force on the proximal row during a maximum grip strength exercise. The problem is that I do not have any motion or EMG data. I do have data for the external forces on either the fingertips or the metacarpals during maximum grip.
I was therefore wondering if it is possible to make an artificial motion file in which the hand is put in a grasping position while applying the grip force as external loads and subsequently using static optimization and the joint reaction analysis to determine the resultant forces in the radiocarpal joint.
Could someone confirm or refute whether it is good practice to use static optimization and the joint reaction analysis to determine the resultant force on the radiocarpal joint during a maximum grip strength exercise?
In addition, I'm unsure if I'm using the correct method to apply JRA after SO. When using the JRA, I have loaded the SO settings file in the Analyze tool. (It therefore, automatically contains the motion file, actuator file, and external load file.) I then create a forces file in which I exclusively add the muscle forces from the SO output. Is this the correct way to use JRA after SO or should I keep all the SO forces (e.g. actuators, external forces,...) in the forces file as well as prescribing them separately in the analyze tool?
Kind regards,
I would like to determine the resultant force on the proximal row during a maximum grip strength exercise. The problem is that I do not have any motion or EMG data. I do have data for the external forces on either the fingertips or the metacarpals during maximum grip.
I was therefore wondering if it is possible to make an artificial motion file in which the hand is put in a grasping position while applying the grip force as external loads and subsequently using static optimization and the joint reaction analysis to determine the resultant forces in the radiocarpal joint.
Could someone confirm or refute whether it is good practice to use static optimization and the joint reaction analysis to determine the resultant force on the radiocarpal joint during a maximum grip strength exercise?
In addition, I'm unsure if I'm using the correct method to apply JRA after SO. When using the JRA, I have loaded the SO settings file in the Analyze tool. (It therefore, automatically contains the motion file, actuator file, and external load file.) I then create a forces file in which I exclusively add the muscle forces from the SO output. Is this the correct way to use JRA after SO or should I keep all the SO forces (e.g. actuators, external forces,...) in the forces file as well as prescribing them separately in the analyze tool?
Kind regards,