Remove/delete wrap objects causes MATLAB to crash
Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2024 9:06 am
Hi everyone,
I am trying to simplify a model in OpenSim 4.5 by combining and/or deleting some muscles. In the process I want to remove wrap objects that are still in the model but no longer used, as the muscles, which used to referenced them, got deleted. Rather than deleting them manually in a text editor from the osim file I was hoping to do this automatically in Matlab. However, when I call model.finalizeConnections() in order to write the file MATLAB simply crashes without any warning or error message. I am at a loss to why this is happening.
I assume that it is probably related to the way how I remove the wrap objects (i.e., wrapSet.remove(wrapObj); ; see below), which causes finalizeConnections to fail. But I am not sure how else to delete them from the model.
I have appended the relevant sections of my script below.
Many thanks for your help!
Best regards,
I am trying to simplify a model in OpenSim 4.5 by combining and/or deleting some muscles. In the process I want to remove wrap objects that are still in the model but no longer used, as the muscles, which used to referenced them, got deleted. Rather than deleting them manually in a text editor from the osim file I was hoping to do this automatically in Matlab. However, when I call model.finalizeConnections() in order to write the file MATLAB simply crashes without any warning or error message. I am at a loss to why this is happening.
I assume that it is probably related to the way how I remove the wrap objects (i.e., wrapSet.remove(wrapObj); ; see below), which causes finalizeConnections to fail. But I am not sure how else to delete them from the model.
I have appended the relevant sections of my script below.
Code: Select all
modelFilePath = '/Users/itz/Documents/OpenSim/4.5-2024-01-10-3b63585/Models/';
modelFileName = 'TestModel';
import org.opensim.modeling.*;
% load model
model = Model(append(modelFilePath,modelFileName,'.osim'));
bodySet = model.getBodySet;
muscles = model.getMuscles;
numMusc = muscles.getSize;
% cylce through bodies
for i = 0:bodySet.getSize-1
body = bodySet.get(i); % get body
wrapSet = WrapObjectSet.safeDownCast(body.upd_WrapObjectSet()); % get wrap set
wrapNames = strings(1,wrapSet.getSize); % preallocate variable for names
% store all wrap object names to use later
for j = 0:wrapSet.getSize-1
wrapNames(j+1) = wrapSet.get(j).getName.string;
% cycle through all wrap objects
for j = 0:wrapSet.getSize-1
wrapLogic = false(numMusc,1); % preallocate logic array
% get current wrap object (Can't use indices directly as previous
% wrap objects might have been removed, bumping it down)
wrapObj = WrapObject.safeDownCast(wrapSet.get(wrapNames(j+1)));
% cycle through muscles and check if wrap object is referenced
for k = 0:numMusc-1
% get the muscle's geometry path
geomPath = muscles.get(k).updGeometryPath();
% get wrap objects from geometry path
muscWrapSet = geomPath.getWrapSet;
wrapObjectNames = strings(1,muscWrapSet.getSize);
% cycle through muscle wrap objects and get their names
for l = 0:muscWrapSet.getSize-1
wrapObjectNames(l+1) = muscWrapSet.get(l).get_wrap_object.string;
% check if the body's current wrap object appears in the muscle's path wrap set
wrapLogic(k+1) = any(strcmp(wrapObjectNames,wrapObj.getName.string));
if ~any(wrapLogic) % check if wrap object is used by any muscle
% wrap object not used > remove it from wrapset
disp(append('Remove ',wrapObj.getName.string,' from ',body.getName.string,' as it is no longer in use.', newline));
wrapSet.remove(wrapObj); % removes it from wrap set
model.finalizeConnections(); % THIS WILL CRASH MATLAB!!
Best regards,