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Predict left foot GRF

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2024 8:03 pm
by p96147
Our lab has a motion capture system, emgs and only one ground reaction plate.
We experiment with movements such as walking down and up stairs, walking down and up an incline, walking on level ground, sitting and standing, and standing and sitting.
For walking experiments, subjects were instructed to step on a force plate with their right foot, and for sit to stand, a force plate was placed only under the right foot.
Since we have only one force plate, we only have the ground reaction force data of the right foot, so we need to predict the ground reaction force of the left foot (to conduct RRA and CMC)
Our generic opensim model is the gait2354 model.
How can i predict left side GRF in this situation?
I also want to implement our experiment conditions (stair way, heel way, chair)
can u explain how can i implements there things?
I need help