Sit to stand one force plate

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Park SangJun
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Joined: Wed Jan 10, 2024 11:00 pm

Sit to stand one force plate

Post by Park SangJun » Tue Apr 30, 2024 8:06 pm

I have one question
I want to analyze the angle, moment, joint contact force, and muscle activation of the ankle and knee joints for sit-to-stand and stand-to-sit movements.
Since our lab only has one force plate, I think we can't perform CMC through RRA. So I'm planning to perform SO (static optimization).
Because we only placed the force plate under the right foot in our experiments, we do not have data on the force acting on the Ischium (contact with the chair) and the GRF of the left foot.
I think we can calculate kinematics, kinetics, joint contact force, and muscle activation of right leg knee and ankle joint, right?
I think it may be impossible to calculate the hip joint because there is no information of the contact force from the chair.
Please answer
thank you.