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markers on Stanford VA upper limb

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 12:01 pm
by browtch
I’m a new OpenSim user, and I downloaded the Stanford VA upper limb model.
But, I’m having problems to make the static markers data (*.trc) and the scale marker set (*.xml), when I try to scale the model the marker simply don’t appear. Even when I run just the one "TestMarker" from the data.
Do I have to do Modifications on the model's file(*.osim)?
What do you recommend me to do?

RE: markers on Stanford VA upper limb

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 12:15 pm
by kinesis
Hello Guilherme:

Did you create the marker set for the model? you can do this in the Edit>Markers Menu, press add new button attach the new marker to a segment and locate it close to the position of your data. all is in the manual. if your global axes are in another direction you need to transform the data in File>preview motion data.
the other thing you can try is modify the .osim file just put false for the clamps of the 6DoF segment.

Hope this helps

RE: markers on Stanford VA upper limb

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 4:27 am
by browtch
Thank you for the help Plabo
I am very grateful
it was very useful

But, now I have a new problem.
I create the *.trc file with my coordenate data, but when I try to preview it, in "preview motion data", the file simply don't load. Nothing happen, neither a error waring.
Any sugestion???


RE: markers on Stanford VA upper limb

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 11:13 am
by aymanh

The trc file format is a little "picky". You need to make sure the line endings have no trailing tabs, the tabs in column headers and data rows also are significant (A blank tab is used to indicate missing data item and/or header). We normally use matlab to generate/write these files since Excel adds many tabs that cause us problems. Unfortunately we can't change the format (it's not ours) however we can make our parsing more robust so please report bugs on issues/files that don't work while they should.
You may want to check the trc file under the Arm26 example in the distribution for a reference.

If the viewer can't load the file then there's no chance IK will do.

Hope this helps,

RE: markers on Stanford VA upper limb

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 7:24 am
by jjmordang

I tried to load in the subject01_walk1.trc from the gait2354_simbody model. With file > preview motion data, as stated in the users guide, to visualise the markers. But everytime I try that I get a Java error: java.lang.NullPointerException. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Kind regards,


RE: markers on Stanford VA upper limb

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 7:31 am
by sandholm


hmm, looks like a bug in 2.0.2, i get the same error.

If you download the 1.9.1 the previewer works
(if you cant download it from the homepage, send me an email and I send the binary to you)


RE: markers on Stanford VA upper limb

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 7:51 am
by jjmordang
Hi Anders,

I've installed the 1.9.1 version and it works now. Thank you very much!


RE: markers on Stanford VA upper limb

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 8:37 am
by sandholm
It might be interesting for someone else, but it looks like there is some problem with the previewer in all opensim 2.0.x, but as said before 1.9.1 works perfect.

you are welcome,

RE: markers on Stanford VA upper limb

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 10:00 am
by aymanh

Can you please report a bug and write down what you're trying to do? I can load trc files without problems in 2.0.2 so please report the specifics.
