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Access Visualizer Option

Posted: Mon May 13, 2024 3:36 am
by ventosudos

I want to play with the vizualizer option in my code, do you know if there is a way to access command like change Background,etc... in Python.

Code: Select all

import opensim as osim

# Files Paths
model_path = "gait10dof18musc_P1__cycling_torque_driven_model.osim"
motion_file = "gait10dof18musc_P1__cycling_muscle_driven_model_2024-05-13_11-08-22.sto"

# Model importation 
model = osim.Model(model_path)
newModel = model.clone()

# Motion Importatopn
table = osim.TimeSeriesTable(motion_file)

# Visualization
viz = osim.VisualizerUtilities()
viz.showMotion(newModel, table)

Re: Access Visualizer Option

Posted: Tue May 14, 2024 1:11 am
by ventosudos
I get somes infos about the SimTK Visualizer, and I don't know how can I use this class in python with OpenSim to control the visualizer ? ... lizer.html