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CMC fast target failing

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 8:35 pm
by simonmharrison

I have a model that is solving the slow target problem well, but failing to solve one time increment of fast target, whether using large reserves (actuators replaced) or ligaments plus large reserves (actuators appended).

The output of the optimiser says:
"Error: Input parameters are not consistent.
SimTK Exception thrown at CFSQPOptimiser.cpp:225:
Optimizer failed: CFSQP failed with status 7"

Does anyone know how this error occurs? I don't know which data are inconsistent.


RE: CMC fast target failing

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 3:58 pm
by aymanh
Hi Simon,

Please check the User Guide's chapter on CMC. The slow target uses a different formulation that does not require matching accelerations, so it's normal that it would succeed sometimes when the fast target fails at the expense of tracking. I'd suggest you run the slow target, check which tracking errors are highest to help you diagnose the issue.

Good luck,