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Forward Kinematics

Posted: Thu May 23, 2024 8:30 am
by ali_fo
Hi everyone,

I have a set of absolute segment angles obtained from IMU sensors, and I need to compute the marker locations using forward kinematics (FK). Could anyone guide me on how to achieve this? Is there a specific function in OpenSim that can be used for this purpose?

Any detailed instructions or examples would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Re: Forward Kinematics

Posted: Sat May 25, 2024 10:55 am
by tkuchida
Please take a look at OpenSense ( Once you have the kinematics of the model, you could write a script to pose the model, store the location of each marker with respect to ground, and iterate over all time points.

Re: Forward Kinematics

Posted: Wed May 29, 2024 12:42 am
by ali_fo
Thank you for the suggestion! To help me understand, could you please share some detailed instructions or examples related to my use case?

Also, I'm working on verifying joint angles I obtained through inverse kinematics in OpenSim. I'd like to verify these angles using forward kinematics within OpenSim itself. Specifically, is it possible to input my calculated joint angles and perform forward kinematics to compare the resulting pose with my original data?

If so, could you point me towards the relevant functions or workflows to implement this verification process? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!