Python Error

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Samane Amini
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Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2020 3:48 am

Python Error

Post by Samane Amini » Sun Jul 07, 2024 2:26 am

Dear all

I want to script python that linked with opensim. I imported opensim into python and then inputed a osim model. But I got this error:

Code: Select all

>>> import opensim 
>>> subjectModel = opensim.Model('gait10dof18musc_subject01.osim')
[info] Updating Model file from 30000 to latest format...
[info] Loaded model walk_subject01 from file gait10dof18musc_subject01.osim
[warning] Couldn't find file 'sacrum.vtp'.
[warning] Couldn't find file 'pelvis.vtp'.
[warning] Couldn't find file 'l_pelvis.vtp'.
[warning] Couldn't find file 'femur.vtp'.
[warning] Couldn't find file 'tibia.vtp'.
[warning] Couldn't find file 'fibula.vtp'.
[warning] Couldn't find file 'talus.vtp'.
[warning] Couldn't find file 'foot.vtp'.
[warning] Couldn't find file 'bofoot.vtp'.
[warning] Couldn't find file 'l_femur.vtp'.
[warning] Couldn't find file 'l_tibia.vtp'.
[warning] Couldn't find file 'l_fibula.vtp'.
[warning] Couldn't find file 'l_talus.vtp'.
[warning] Couldn't find file 'l_foot.vtp'.
[warning] Couldn't find file 'l_bofoot.vtp'.
[warning] Couldn't find file 'hat_spine.vtp'.
[warning] Couldn't find file 'hat_jaw.vtp'.
[warning] Couldn't find file 'hat_skull.vtp'.
[warning] Couldn't find file 'hat_ribs.vtp'.
[info] ControllerSet 'Controllers' was renamed and is being reset to 'controllerset'.
[info] ComponentSet 'MiscComponents' was renamed and is being reset to 'componentset'.
Anyone knows that how to fix it?

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Samane Amini
Posts: 100
Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2020 3:48 am

Re: Python Error

Post by Samane Amini » Sun Jul 07, 2024 4:35 am

It was solved. I got it from herer: ... r/Geometry