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No "osimJavaJNI" file on Mac OSX 14.5 / OpenSim 4.5

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2024 10:13 am
by dansantana
Attempting to use Matlab 2024a with OpenSim 4.5 on Mac OSX 14.5. I have followed the instructions "Scripting with Matlab", attempted manual setup, and have noted the issue for windows "Errors related to osimJavaJNI not being on the path.....". Nonetheless, receive the error:

"Failed to load one or more dynamic libraries for OpenSim.
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no osimJavaJNI in java.library.path:
... "

Despite adding the /bin and /sdk folders to the system path, this does not solve the issue. I cannot find the "osimJavaJNI" file in any of these folders. Where can I find this file to solve this issue? Thank you for the help

Re: No "osimJavaJNI" file on Mac OSX 14.5 / OpenSim 4.5

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2024 11:16 am
by aymanh
Hi Daniel,

The tricky part about Mac OSX platform is that there are two different architectures (intel based x86_64 and arm64 for M1/M2). We have not published M1 based distribution as of now, so you'll need to use the x86_64 (and Rosetta) of Matlab in order to use OpenSim in Matlab up to and including version 4.5.

The message about errors loading the library are generic and maybe misleading implying that the library is not found but it could be other problems with it.

Hope this helps,

Re: No "osimJavaJNI" file on Mac OSX 14.5 / OpenSim 4.5

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2024 12:36 pm
by dansantana
Switching to the Intel based version of Matlab solved the issue, thanks very much