Discrepancy Between Calculated Muscle Forces and Static Optimization Results
Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 12:40 am
After performing static optimization, I obtained two files: `HYOID_Scaled_StaticOptimization_activation.sto` and `HYOID_Scaled_StaticOptimization_force.sto`. I am now using the activations obtained from the static optimization to calculate muscle forces and comparing them to the forces from the static optimization results. The code snippet is as follows.
Below are the results of the comparison. The calculated results do not match exactly. How should this be interpreted? Am I missing something?
Code: Select all
for i in range(nCoords):
coord = coord_set.get(i)
coord_value = data.get(i * 2)
coord_speed = data.get(i * 2 + 1)
coord.setValue(state, coord_value)
coord.setSpeedValue(state, coord_speed)
Code: Select all
for i in range(nMuscles):
muscle = MuscleSet.get(i)
muscle_force[j, i] = muscle.calcInextensibleTendonActiveFiberForce(state, 1.0)*\