Typical nMTL in gait - sources of data for comparison
Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2025 2:48 pm
Apologies for the basic question, I have output normalised Muscle-Tendon Lengths during gait for both typical and clinical paediatric cohorts (CP Diplegia and Hemiplegia) using a modified generic MSK model (RajagopalLaiUhlrich) adjusted to 3DoF at the knee. I would like to do some simple face validation of my outputs, visually comparing the nMTL outputs for 10 muscles to published data (from any model), but am struggling to find typical nMTL data across the gait cycle. I am using Kainz 2021 paper for some of the muscles, is anyone aware of any other publications/books? I'm looking at Adductor Brevis, Adductor Magnus (Distal component), Gracilis, Psoas, Rectus, Semimembranosus, Medial Gastroc, Soleus, Tib Ant and Tib Post.
Thanks in advance
Apologies for the basic question, I have output normalised Muscle-Tendon Lengths during gait for both typical and clinical paediatric cohorts (CP Diplegia and Hemiplegia) using a modified generic MSK model (RajagopalLaiUhlrich) adjusted to 3DoF at the knee. I would like to do some simple face validation of my outputs, visually comparing the nMTL outputs for 10 muscles to published data (from any model), but am struggling to find typical nMTL data across the gait cycle. I am using Kainz 2021 paper for some of the muscles, is anyone aware of any other publications/books? I'm looking at Adductor Brevis, Adductor Magnus (Distal component), Gracilis, Psoas, Rectus, Semimembranosus, Medial Gastroc, Soleus, Tib Ant and Tib Post.
Thanks in advance