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Obtaining body rotation matrices in a loop

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2025 7:47 pm
by malizade

I am trying to obtain the body rotation matrix (e.g., with respect to the ground) in a loop in MATLAB. But the body rotation/translation never gets updated. What am I doing wrong?


Code: Select all

import org.opensim.modeling.*

model = Model('Generated_Model.osim');
storage = Storage('stride_1_IKOut.mot');

state = model.initSystem();
nRows = storage.getSize();

for i = 0:nRows-1

    stateVector = storage.getStateVector(i);

    body1 = model.getBodySet().get('pelvis');
    body1Transform = body1.getTransformInGround(state);
    body1RotationMatrix = body1Transform.R()
    body1TranslationVec = body1Transform.T()


Re: Obtaining body rotation matrices in a loop

Posted: Thu Jan 16, 2025 10:56 pm
by nicos1993
Hey Mohsen,

Before realizing to the position stage you need to set the states (coordinates in this case) for each time frame, currently you are only extracting them from your *.mot file. Take a look at the following methods: ... 1cd7df6e71 ... 689cccbc02 ... 27ee7e54f1

Hope that helps!


Re: Obtaining body rotation matrices in a loop

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 12:18 pm
by malizade
Hi Nicos.

That provided a really helpful starting point, thanks!

I suspected that I needed to assign state value and just setting time wouldn't do it. I also realized that the name of the states in my model were in a different format than the .mot file (e.g., 'pelvis_tilt' vs. '/jointset/ground_pelvis/pelvis_tilt/value'), which required some processing.

This is the code that works for me, written with help from ChatGPT. I am sharing it here in case people look for a similar example of this in the future.

Code: Select all

import org.opensim.modeling.*

% Set to 1 to show which state value is being updated.
disp_assignments = 1;

% 1. Load the model
model = Model('Generated_Model.osim');

% 2. Load the storage file (e.g., IK or states data)
storage = Storage('stride_1_IKOut.mot');

% 3. Initialize the system and get a default State
state = model.initSystem();

% Check the name of the state variables of the model.
stateVariableNames = model.getStateVariableNames();
for i = 0 : stateVariableNames.getSize()-1

filteredNames = {};  % cell array to store matches

% Find the variables we are interested in (joint values).
for i = 0 : stateVariableNames.getSize()-1
    varName = char(stateVariableNames.get(i));  % Convert Java string to MATLAB char
    % Check for "jointset" AND "value", and ensure "speed" or "forceset" are NOT in the name.
    if contains(varName, 'jointset') && contains(varName, 'value') ...
            && ~contains(varName, 'speed') && ~contains(varName, 'forceset')
        % If it meets our criteria, add to the list.
        filteredNames{end+1} = varName; 

% Display the filtered names
disp('Filtered state variable names:');

% 4. Get the number of time frames (rows)
nRows = storage.getSize();

% 5. Get the column labels from the storage
labels = storage.getColumnLabels();  
nColumns = labels.getSize();
% Typically, labels.get(0) is "time", and the rest are coordinate (or state) names.

for i = 0 : nRows-1
    % 6. Get the StateVector for the i-th row
    stateVector = storage.getStateVector(i);
    % 7. Extract time from the StateVector and set the State's time
    timeVal = stateVector.getTime();
    % 8. Get the data array for this time frame
    dataArray = stateVector.getData();  % This is an ArrayDouble of length nColumns-1
    % 9. Assign each column value to the corresponding state variable
    %    Column 0 in the .mot is time, so its label is "time".
    %    Actual state data typically start at column 1.
    for j = 1 : (nColumns-1)
        varName  = char(labels.get(j));   
        if (disp_assignments == 1)
            disp(strcat("Assigning '", varName,"' to '", filteredNames{j}, "'."));
        varValue = dataArray.get(j-1);        % dataArray is 0-based, so j-1
        % Set that variable's value in the State
        model.setStateVariableValue(state, filteredNames{j}, varValue);
    % 10. Realize the state to at least Position stage 
    %     (or higher, depending on your needs)
    % 11. Now you can use the updated State for further calculations
    %     For example, get a transform from a body:
    body1 = model.getBodySet().get('pelvis');
    body1Transform = body1.getTransformInGround(state);
    body1RotationMatrix = body1Transform.R();
    body1TranslationVec = body1Transform.T();
    % ... do whatever else you need here ...

Re: Obtaining body rotation matrices in a loop

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 8:35 pm
by kernalnet
Hi, there is already a method for updating the column labels TabOpUseAbsoluteStateNames:

Code: Select all

table = osim.TableProcessor(IK_path)
table.append(osim.TabOpConvertDegreesToRadians()) # if in degrees
table = table.process(model)
Alternatively, you can update the coordinate values directly using Coordinate::setValue

Hope this helps.