1- Which frame are the moments obtained from the inverse dynamics solution expressed in?
Currently, I believe it is the joint's child frame. For instance, in Rajagopal's 2016 model, the ankle_r moment is expressed in its child frame, talus_r_offset. Is this correct?
2- Given a model and name of the joint (e.g., 'ankle_r') the code snippet below correct for obtaining the transformation between the ground frame and a joint's child frame (using the MATLAB API)?
Code: Select all
R = NaN(3,3);
T = NaN(3,1);
joint = model.getJointSet().get(joint_name);
% Per OpenSim convention, I believe joint momemnets are described in
% the child frame. E.g., talus_r_offset for ankle_r.
childFrame = joint.getChildFrame;
% Equivalently, childFrame = joint.get_frames(1);
jointTransform = childFrame.getTransformInGround(state);
jointRotationMatrix = jointTransform.R();
jointTranslationVec = jointTransform.T();
for i=1:3
for j=1:3
R(i,j) = jointRotationMatrix.get(i-1,j-1);
T(i) = jointTranslationVec.get(i-1);