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Problem following developers guide

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 7:42 am
by moecurtin
I am trying to compile the tug of war model step by step as done in the developers guide. I can compile steps 1 to 5 with no problems and my model and motion files load and work in OpenSim. When I try step 6 - adding a contact force, the file compiles but when I run the executable, no model files or motion files are created. Has anybody else had this issue?

RE: Problem following developers guide

Posted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 8:10 pm
by aymanh

Please keep in mind that the .obj file to define the contact mesh must be in the same directory you're running from.

You can build (RelWithDebInfo) configuration in Visual Studio and this will allow you to step into your code and find out the line that is problematic if any.

Hope this helps,

RE: Problem following developers guide

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 1:39 am
by anke
I might have the same problem:

I'm able to compile steps 1 to 8, but I'm only able to build up to step 5, even though the .obj file is in the right dir.

When I try to build, I get a messages that the .exe has stopped working ('a problem caused the program to stop working correctly')...


RE: Problem following developers guide

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 1:41 pm
by aymanh

When you build your project in VisualStudio you can use RelWithDebInfo configuration (instead of release configuration). This should allow you to step into your code and find out which line is blowing out.

Hope this helps,