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OpenSim simulation stoping

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2025 12:40 am
by carlosbarreto
I'm studying opensim for a while and I was able to create a model where I'm trying to use theleast amount of muscles to be able to optimize using Scone.

But for now I'm trying to use Opensim as a rigdbody simulation tool, like a ragdoll.
The problem is, when I run the simulation with a ball hitting the skeleton, the simulation stops gets freezed in less than 1s (considering the simulation time)

After waiting for a while the simulation stops and didnt get to the configured endtime.

I've attached the model that I'm using.
Can somebody point me to the right direction to make it work?

Re: OpenSim simulation stoping

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2025 4:48 am
by carlosbarreto
Most of the problem I was able to solve by converting the model to opensim4 (not the real problem) but enabling a collision in the thorax.
Looks like by not having that collison it was making it easier to get in strange position that caused the simulation to freeze.

The latest version i did is attached here.

Re: OpenSim simulation stoping

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2025 10:58 am
by stingjp
Hi Carlos,

It sounds like perhaps you have solved your issue. If you are still having issues, it could be helpful to supply some additional details about what you are trying to achieve. I was able to run a forward simulation with your model for 2 seconds, which seems to be enough to reach a steady state.
