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External load force set description

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 1:45 pm
by paulmcalpine
I am currently developing my ID approach for a snowboard landing project. I have force plates mounted onto the snowboard and thus they move with the particpant through the global space. because of the snowboard bindings there is a fixed relationship between each foot and the force plates throughout the motion trial.

In OpenSim 2.0 I have noticed in the 'Create/edit prescribed force' pop up window there are check boxes titled 'force is global' and 'point is global'. If unchecked does this mean OpenSim assumes the force reference frame is aligned with the bodys' reference frame to which the load is applied and the COP values are given with respect to this body reference frame?

Any reply on this would be greatly appreciated as this may simplify the way I have to define my force.mot files.


Paul McAlpine
University of Auckland