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Installation problems

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 3:13 pm
by mbebelveras
I’m trying to install the OpenSim 2.0.0 in my computer but I’m having problems in running java.
My operational system is windows vista (the home basic version).

When I try to run the opensim I receive the message “ Can not find Java.exe …”

I followed the instructions in the other messages like:

I installed the newer version of java (jre) and changed the path in the file “opensim.conf” inside the folder “etc”.

I tried to change the security properties of Java and opensim folder, since windows vista imposes some restriction for “users”, and I tried to install opensim in “My Documents” folder, but those things didn’t work.

I really don’t know what more I can do. Any suggestions???

RE: Installation problems

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 4:12 pm
by aymanh
Hi Maria,

The JRE distributed with OpenSim runs on Vista Home Edition no problem (only Windows 7 needs a special JRE) so you probably don't need to install your own. The main issue with Vista is permissions which has been always resolved by installation in a folder other than C:/Program Files/

Can you install the application as admin? What exception do you get launching it now? Remember that you need to launch the application either using the batch file "start_opensim.bat" in the top folder of the installation or using the short-cut from the start menu (otherwise the Path is not set correctly).

Hope this helps,

RE: Installation problems

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 8:57 am
by mbebelveras

I installed de program in another partition of my HD.
Now the error message is not appearing anymore but the opensim is still not running
I started the opensim in the compatibility modus “windows 2000” and “ windows xp” but it didn’t work. I start it as administrator too but it still didn’t work.

Do you have any other idea of what is happening?


RE: Installation problems

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 10:41 am
by mbebelveras

I solved! I installed de program in another partition of my HD and changed the jre path in the .conf file
now it's working !
