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Garbage values after running ID?

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 7:19 pm
by rahulg
I am trying to run ID on my data. But for some reason in the *.sto file created after ID finishes, I only see values like:
in all columns (except time).
Any pointers as why it could be happening.


1. My original data files had nearly 13k rows, but the file wouldn't load, so I cut down the file to around 6k rows and appropriately changed time range in the header.
2. I tried both ipopt and cfsqp optimizers.

RE: Garbage values after running ID?

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 10:33 am
by tinyvane
Hi, i just introduced my experience, have you ever noticed that your TRC file, the markers trajectories are whether in global coordinate system or for every for plate(if you have more than one force plate).

Which indicated that you should modify the option in external load panel of "GLOBAL POINT" or something like it.

Hope to help.

RE: Garbage values after running ID?

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 10:52 am
by aymanh
Hi Rahul,

Possible reasons for NaNs in output:
- Model has no mass properties.
- Something wrong with the definition of the joints/coordinates that results in that arbitrary forces can be applied to a coordinate without causing acceleration.

Both the value of mass and the moments of inertia should not be 0.

I'd be also interested in the motion file not loading issue if you can add more info or file a bug report with it so we can investigate that would be great.


RE: Garbage values after running ID?

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2010 10:58 am
by bazirker
While I've never seen NAN's like this after running ID, I have found them in fiber force data obtained by exporting from the plotter (and had to write a matlab code to deal with them!) I'll investigate and file a bug report if I can't figure it out.