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Must own markernames match with Osim-standard

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2010 9:03 am
by matze1985

I have a question to the markerset (xml-files).
Should the markernames of self-created .trc-files match with the markernames which OpenSim uses? Or is it possible to use the scale-tool with own markernames?



RE: Must own markernames match with Osim-standard

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 8:31 am
by tinyvane
You can either change the markers name attached on the subject or you can modify the name your markerset, anyway, they really should match each other.

just my experience.


RE: Must own markernames match with Osim-standard

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 1:01 am
by matze1985
thanks for your answer,
but the problem is, if I change the markernames in the xml-file, and so create my own marker-system, the model is twisting and constitute in wrong directions. So the markernames, -postitions and -bodies influence the model.
Is there no standard (like IEEE) for the markerplacements or similar? Like the "Plug-in-Gait-placement"?



RE: Must own markernames match with Osim-standard

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 10:12 am
by aymanh
Hi Matthias,

You also need to keep in mind the coordinate frames assumed by the OpenSim model, for example our models have Y up (and usually "walk" in +X direction), if your data does not conform to that convention and you want to use our models/tools you'd need to transform the data to the correct frame (using the File->Preview Motion Data functionality).

Please let me know if that doesn't answer your question.


RE: Must own markernames match with Osim-standard

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:47 am
by matze1985
This problem I had already solved. But the way to match the data with OpenSim is very difficult, because I' ve to change all the markernames (xml-file) and hope that coordinates of OpenSim match with my markers.
So my question is, if there's some standard/ convention or universal markerset? ... Maybe when I create new markernames in a new experiment, so I should use this ones.

