Detailed lumbar vertebrae scaling issues

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Ajay Sonar
Posts: 11
Joined: Thu Sep 23, 2010 8:54 am

Detailed lumbar vertebrae scaling issues

Post by Ajay Sonar » Tue Oct 26, 2010 2:52 pm

Hi all,

I am trying to find the joint contact forces on the lumbar vertebrae. I was able to take full body model (gait2392_arms.osim by Tim Dorn) and modify it to create five joints at the lumbar region for the five lumbar vertebrae (FullBody.osim). I have extracted the motion capture data using Vicon's plugin gait marker set using Gait Extract toolbox v1.7. I have a couple of issues with the next steps.

1. I can use your osim model (gait2392_arms.osim) and scale it and run inverse kinematic on it. But when I run the inverse dynamic algorithm on it stops with a message in the message window "Found 797 state vectors with time stamps ranging from -1.99 to 5.97". I am not able to figure out if there is any error with the input files

2. When I use the modefied osim model with the lumbar joints (FullBody.osim), after the scaling the lumbar region comes out to be bent in a way which i am not expecting. I am not sure if I am missing anything during the processing of adding the extra five joints.

I made some minor changes to the original MarkerSet and the MeasurmentSet files by Tim to get it to work for my case. I have uploaded the files at the following link,

Any suggestions or pointers would be helpful.
