Static Optimization Problem
Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 2:49 pm
I have an issue with trying perform a static optimization on a motion. I have collected motion capture and force data during a squat exercise, and have used the gait2354 model sucessfully with scaling, inverse kinematics, and inverse dynamics. I am now interested in obtaining muscle forces. I have tried to run a static optimization, but OpenSim appears to hang.
I performed the procedure successfully with the gait2354 data, so I am unsure why my data is not working given succesful IK and ID runs.
Here is the initial message that I receive:
Loaded model subject5555_scale_normal from file \\Bac-ifs-01\HACO\Exercise Countermeasures Program\Engineering\Biomechanics\ARED Ground Evaluation\data\OpenSim Files\Final scaled models\ARED_Ground_S5555_scaled_IH.osim
Updating Model file to latest format...
Loaded model subject1111_scale from file D:\Documents and Settings\jdewitt\Desktop\S111 Forward Dynamics\ARED_Ground_S1111_scaled_IH.osim
Loading coordinates from file D:\Documents and Settings\jdewitt\Desktop\S111 Forward Dynamics\S1111_NS_ik.sto.
Storage: file=D:\Documents and Settings\jdewitt\Desktop\S111 Forward Dynamics\S1111_NS_ik.sto (nr=1047 nc=156)
Low-pass filtering coordinates data with a cutoff frequency of 6...
Found 2093 state vectors with time stamps ranging from -2.092 to 6.276.
Loading external loads kinematics from file D:\Documents and Settings\jdewitt\Desktop\S111 Forward Dynamics\S1111_NS_ik.sto ...
Storage: file=D:\Documents and Settings\jdewitt\Desktop\S111 Forward Dynamics\S1111_NS_ik.sto (nr=1047 nc=156)
Low-pass filtering external load kinematics with a cutoff frequency of 6...
Storage: file=D:\Documents and Settings\jdewitt\Desktop\S111 Forward Dynamics\S1111NS.mot (nr=1047 nc=19)
Executing the analyses from 2.5 to 4.1...
SimTK Exception thrown at InteriorPointOptimizer.cpp:262:
Optimizer failed: Ipopt: Infeasible problem detected (status 2)
StaticOptimization.record: WARN- The optimizer could not find a solution at time = 2.5
The model appears too weak for static optimization.
Try increasing the strength and/or range of the following force(s):
sar_r approaching upper bound of 1
pect_r approaching upper bound of 1
glut_max3_r approaching upper bound of 1
quad_fem_r approaching upper bound of 1
gem_r approaching upper bound of 1
rect_fem_r approaching upper bound of 1
bifemlh_l approaching upper bound of 1
sar_l approaching upper bound of 1
pect_l approaching upper bound of 1
glut_max3_l approaching upper bound of 1
quad_fem_l approaching upper bound of 1
gem_l approaching upper bound of 1
rect_fem_l approaching upper bound of 1
ercspn_l approaching upper bound of 1
time = 2.5 Performance =15.8874 Constraint violation = 216.094
I have an issue with trying perform a static optimization on a motion. I have collected motion capture and force data during a squat exercise, and have used the gait2354 model sucessfully with scaling, inverse kinematics, and inverse dynamics. I am now interested in obtaining muscle forces. I have tried to run a static optimization, but OpenSim appears to hang.
I performed the procedure successfully with the gait2354 data, so I am unsure why my data is not working given succesful IK and ID runs.
Here is the initial message that I receive:
Loaded model subject5555_scale_normal from file \\Bac-ifs-01\HACO\Exercise Countermeasures Program\Engineering\Biomechanics\ARED Ground Evaluation\data\OpenSim Files\Final scaled models\ARED_Ground_S5555_scaled_IH.osim
Updating Model file to latest format...
Loaded model subject1111_scale from file D:\Documents and Settings\jdewitt\Desktop\S111 Forward Dynamics\ARED_Ground_S1111_scaled_IH.osim
Loading coordinates from file D:\Documents and Settings\jdewitt\Desktop\S111 Forward Dynamics\S1111_NS_ik.sto.
Storage: file=D:\Documents and Settings\jdewitt\Desktop\S111 Forward Dynamics\S1111_NS_ik.sto (nr=1047 nc=156)
Low-pass filtering coordinates data with a cutoff frequency of 6...
Found 2093 state vectors with time stamps ranging from -2.092 to 6.276.
Loading external loads kinematics from file D:\Documents and Settings\jdewitt\Desktop\S111 Forward Dynamics\S1111_NS_ik.sto ...
Storage: file=D:\Documents and Settings\jdewitt\Desktop\S111 Forward Dynamics\S1111_NS_ik.sto (nr=1047 nc=156)
Low-pass filtering external load kinematics with a cutoff frequency of 6...
Storage: file=D:\Documents and Settings\jdewitt\Desktop\S111 Forward Dynamics\S1111NS.mot (nr=1047 nc=19)
Executing the analyses from 2.5 to 4.1...
SimTK Exception thrown at InteriorPointOptimizer.cpp:262:
Optimizer failed: Ipopt: Infeasible problem detected (status 2)
StaticOptimization.record: WARN- The optimizer could not find a solution at time = 2.5
The model appears too weak for static optimization.
Try increasing the strength and/or range of the following force(s):
sar_r approaching upper bound of 1
pect_r approaching upper bound of 1
glut_max3_r approaching upper bound of 1
quad_fem_r approaching upper bound of 1
gem_r approaching upper bound of 1
rect_fem_r approaching upper bound of 1
bifemlh_l approaching upper bound of 1
sar_l approaching upper bound of 1
pect_l approaching upper bound of 1
glut_max3_l approaching upper bound of 1
quad_fem_l approaching upper bound of 1
gem_l approaching upper bound of 1
rect_fem_l approaching upper bound of 1
ercspn_l approaching upper bound of 1
time = 2.5 Performance =15.8874 Constraint violation = 216.094