Handling Different Pathologies

Provide easy-to-use, extensible software for modeling, simulating, controlling, and analyzing the neuromusculoskeletal system.
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Luke Burley
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Handling Different Pathologies

Post by Luke Burley » Wed May 18, 2011 12:34 pm


I am a student doing some research and am relatively new to the Biomechanics field. I have been using OpenSim for a few weeks now and trying to learn about the given models.
I've been looking through some of the publications about how the kinematics within OpenSim are defined(for the upper and lower extremity models) but I'm looking for a little more information to further understand how the models are validated.

Specifically, how does OpenSim handle different pathologies? If the model of the uppper extremity is of the 50th percentile male, does it accommodate for a body outside of that assumption?

I am eager to learn and any information would be a great asset. Does anyone recommend any journals that may help with my questions? Or able to direct me to more resources?


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Wenxin Niu
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RE: Handling Different Pathologies

Post by Wenxin Niu » Sat Jun 04, 2011 8:55 pm

I am also a new learner. I think it is necessary to validate the model. However, it is difficult, or even impossible to validate it with experimental data sometimes. It is understandable in this situation because human body experiment is greatly limited.
The "Scale" function in this softeare may give you help in handling different pathologies.
I just began to learn it. I think we should at first read the references and related papers provided by the software tutorials.