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Torque actuator xml code

Posted: Wed May 18, 2011 4:51 pm
by porsasina
Hi everyone,
I have some questions on torque actuator's xml script.
1- what does "-1.#INF" mean in min_control? can I replace it simply by -1?
2- What does "optimal_force" mean? Is it the maximum torque that the actuator can apply? Is it a force or a torque? and why is it OPTIMAL?

<bodyB></bodyB> <torque_is_global>True</torque_is_global>
<axis>(-1 -0 -0)</axis> <optimal_force>300</optimal_force>

RE: Torque actuator xml code

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 9:54 am
by aymanh
Hi Sina,

1. (-1.#INF) is the way the code prints -Infinity, you should be able to use any number that you want, including +/- infinity.
2. The reason it is called optimal is historical, you can treat it as just "torque". The torque produced is the product of the control * optimal_force.

Sorry about the naming confusion and please let me know if that answers your question.

Good luck,