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Creating external load force files

Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 10:54 pm
by a1147268

I am modelling a subject moving from a seated position to standing and have force data from a single force plate. Both feet are on the same plate for the duration of the data collection. I'm just wondering how I go about creating all of the .mot files required to run inverse kinematics and inverse dynamics? From example Gait2354_Simbody you require the files subject01_walk1.mot (Which only contains force plate data), subject01_walk1_grf.mot, subject01_walk1_ik.mot...I have the original C3D file and CSV files of the Joint Kinematics and Force Plate data.

RE: Creating external load force files

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:19 pm
by tinyvane
Hi Samuel,

I explained my friend's situation in another reply, I hope you've already seen that.

I've been using that Matlab Toolkit from this site for a very long time. Some of the limitation for that Toolkit are, one of them is that the toolkit only could make use of 6 channels force plate data from C3D file, which cover the AMTI force plate and Bertec force plate, but not for Kistler force plate, at least for current.

If you are using the two force plate I mentioned above, I would be love to help with any problems you encountered with the Toolkit scripts.

Yi Wang
University of Utah

RE: Creating external load force files

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 10:29 pm
by hossein
Hi All,

Actually there is simple way to change your type of force plate and you can then use the toolkit easily.

If you have access to Nexus (I think any version), You can simply open your c3d file and save or export it it as another c3d file. Now you have a c3d file that has 6 channels for force plates. It means your force plate has change to type 2 .


Re: Creating external load force files

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 10:38 pm
by skylsj
Hi all,

If you use VICON motion capture systems,
please try our toolbox which directly converts VICON motion capture data(*.csv) into OpenSim inputs(*.trc and *.mot).
This is much easier and faster than converting C3D files.

Please refer to our project page:
The toolbox v.1.4.1 is already available, but the user manual is now in preparation.
If you have any questions in using our toolbox, please contact us.


Re: Creating external load force files

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 1:13 pm
by miguelgfierro

I am using Kistler plates to study a sit to stand motion. I downloaded the Lee-Son toolbox but it doesn't work with this plates. Is there any way to transform the Kistler data directly to Opensim?

I have a tsv file with only one plate and one measure of COP, Force and Moment. I also have the c3d file, but I tried the toolbox of ConvertC3D but I had problems too.

I need to convert a huge amount of files, almost 160 files.

Thanks for your help

Re: Creating external load force files

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 6:48 am
by skylsj
Hi Miguel,
I've sent a personal message to you, so please check it.

The Lee-Son's toolbox now works fine only with the data from AMTI force plates,
but Kistler ones will be available soon.

At our project page, you can find
- a new version of our toolbox, Lee-Son's toolbox 1.5.1,
- a user manual,
- and some example files.

Lee, Sang Jun

Re: Creating external load force files

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2011 3:40 am
by miguelgfierro
Thanks for the help Sang