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Assign meshes with elastic foundation model

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:10 am
by joanabaptista
I'm using Elastic Foundation contact model to study the interaction between a leg and an orthosis, but i'm having problems to assing the respective meshes to the bodys.
Could it be because the meshes are too complicated?

I've tried to smooth and decimate the meshes with MeshLab software, but I'm still receiving an error from VisualC++ software that says 'Unknow exception', and then it closes the program.
Does anyone know what could be the problem?


RE: Assign meshes with elastic foundation model

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:17 am
by aymanh
Hi Joana,

Please file a bug report and attach all the mesh files, models and setup files involved so we can reproduce the problem. I believe the code assumes closed water-tight surfaces but I'm not sure about the nature of the problem you're running into. Can you set the problem to run from the command line? That would require significantly less memory than the GUI.

Please consult the user guide and let me know if you need help with that.

Best regards,