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Problems to run Analyze using commend line v2.4.0

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 9:51 am
by rlw
Hi Ayman,

I found there is a problem to run Analyze using commend line in v2.4.0, but it works with GUI (All other steps works fine with commend).

It always gave error message 'could not open file ResultsCMC/subject01_walk1_controls.xml. It may not exist or you don't have permission to read it. ' But the file is absolute in the ResultsCMC folder.

BTW, I have posted another question regarding to RRA earlier this week, can you help me?

Thank you,


Re: Problems to run Analyze using commend line v2.4.0

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 12:11 pm
by aymanh
Hi Ruoli,

The one single difference between the command line and the GUI is the assumptions made about working directory. The GUI operates in an environment where there's no assumed working directory while the command line tools assume a working directory depending on where you invoke them from. If your files are not in the same directory I'd suggest you try placing them in one directory and retry.

Good luck,

Re: Problems to run Analyze using commend line v2.4.0

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 5:49 am
by rlw
Hi Ayman,

Thank you for the reply.

I think I have the right path. For instance, I have osim, all the setting files including setup_analyze.xml in the folder IAA_opensim, which should be the working directory. And after running CMC, the output saved in IAA_opensim/ResultsCMC/subject01_walk1_controls.xml, where the error message indicated no such a file.

Did I do something wrong?


Re: Problems to run Analyze using commend line v2.4.0

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 11:59 am
by aymanh
Hi Ruoli,

Did you try using a leading ./ as in ./ResultsCMC or using an absolute path instead?


Re: Problems to run Analyze using commend line v2.4.0

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:40 am
by rlw
Hi Ayman,

I used /ResultsCMC/subject01_walk1_controls.xml, but today I also tried ./ResultsCMC/subject01_walk1_controls.xml, did not work either, same error message.


Re: Problems to run Analyze using commend line v2.4.0

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 10:27 am
by aymanh
Hi Ruoli,

We need more context to help you troubleshoot, as our nightly builds perform similar tasks without a problem. Did you try specifying a full path (e.g. C:/users/../resultsCMC/)? Also are you sure there are no typos in these names? If that all checks please file a bug report and attach all the files necessary to reproduce the problem.

Best regards,

Re: Problems to run Analyze using commend line v2.4.0

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2011 6:12 am
by rlw
Hi Ayman,

The full path finally solved the problem. All the related files have to be referred using full path. Thank you!

Just curious, why it has to be full path in the setup_analyze.xml? but not in the other setup files e.g. setup_cmc.xml?

Best regards,
