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Error Report from Specific Markers

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 6:13 pm
by u0010958
Is it possible to have OpenSim v2.4 report marker errors for a specific marker when solving IK?

By default it reports the max marker error so I assume it is calculating errors for each marker at each frame.

I found an earlier post from May 2010 in which Ayman suggested adding
<include_markers>true</include_markers> between the opening and closing tags of <IKTask>. However, I don't see that in setup files made using more recent versions of OpenSim. Am I missing it?

In new IK setup files I do see
<report_errors> true </report_errors>
<report_marker_locations> true </report_marker_locations>

but even with these set to true I am still only getting the max marker error reported.
