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About the BothLegs.osim

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:25 am
by lby_76
hello everyone,
In th "C:\OpenSim2.4.0\examples\BothLegs",there is a BothLegs.osim file.But I don't know where to download its source code(such as C++file...)?
Can anybody known help me? thx~~

Re: About the BothLegs.osim

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:28 pm
by aymanh

There's no code (C++ or otherwise) that corresponds to OpenSim models, although it's possible to create models using API calls, a more portable alternative used by OpenSim is to encode the model in an XML file (.osim) that the code loads and creates the corresponding computational equivalent for it under the covers.

Hope this helps,