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Scaling Problem & Marker name problem?

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 6:06 pm
by caterremoto
Hi, I'm a beginner, and I have some problem in scaling my model, I have a .trc static file created by Excell with Matlab data(I tried it and this method to convert data seems to work) and I have a model .osim in which I put my specified markers with the same names of the markers in my .trc file.
(To get my .osim model I just renamed a suitable Opensim model and add markers, do you think it is correct?)
I thought I Had all the necessary to scale my model, but it didn’t work since as soon as I open the GUI for scaling, the button RUN is not available. I think that it’s due to my .osim model with marker (since my .trc file used with another Osim model without markers permit me to click RUN at least) . Does anyone know if I have to create a .Osim model without marker and to create a .xml file apart for markers, or this is not the problem?

Thank you very much :)

Re: Scaling Problem

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 3:18 am
by michalacadova
Hi Caterina,
I am looking forward to some answer as well, since it seems I am stuck in the same point as you :D (but I have not all the necessary scaling stuff yet :!: ).


Re: Scaling Problem

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 12:07 pm
by aymanh

The approach seems reasonable.

There are many reasons the run button on the scale tool can be disabled, some typical scenrios:
- Scale Model is checked but no trc file for marker trajectories is specified.
- Adjusy Model Markers is checked and no trc file is specified for Static trial
- Other incosistencies on the remaining tabs.

If you can load the trc file into the GUI using "File->Preview Motion Data" then you can rule out trc format problems. If you can see the pink markers on the model then you can rule model edit problems out as well.

Hope this helps but please let us know if you continue to have problems.

Good luck,

Re: Scaling Problem

Posted: Thu Mar 22, 2012 4:00 pm
by caterremoto
Hi! First of all thank you, I have just found that the problem in my case is that clicking on "static pose weights" most of markers are red remarked with the sign "From file --not found"
I didn't know the reason since two or three marker were Ok instead... I did a lot of efforts and at the end I discovered that changing the name of the marker it was accepted by the program! Now a bigger part of my markers are accepted and they aren’t red remarked anymore! If I uncheck the marker that are still red remarked (a fewer part now) the program runs! Now the question is, how is it possible? It’s the name so important? I just give marker simple name (who coincided with the .trc one )..has anyone ever had some problem with marker name? Maybe i Should open a post apart…?

Thank you very much!


Re: Scaling Problem & Marker name problem?

Posted: Fri Mar 23, 2012 4:36 am
by michalacadova
In my opinion, the names of the markers must be unambiguous and consistent through all the files. Otherwise, how would you tell the software which trajectory or movement is for which marker, coordinates, etc.?

“The names of the column labels (in the mot file) should match the names used in the model with which the .mot file is intended to be used.” (User's manual: preparing your data)


Re: Scaling Problem & Marker name problem?

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2012 8:44 am
by caterremoto
Hi Michala, I think my names markers were unambiguous, and sure they were the same in all my files, but the program recognized just two of them (before I called them Grandx,L5, Sa, … and they weren’t recognized)Now I’ve tried to rename all in a way more similar to R. … L. and it seems to work! It’s a little bit strange but it works :)