Modified PiG markerset in OpenSim for static optimization
Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 11:16 am
I am an OpenSim new user.
I have data collected in Vicon according to a modified version of Plug-in-Gait (namely UOMAM) that has extra markers on the medial knee condyles and medial malleoli for the calculation of the knee and ankle joint centers. My purpose is estimating muscle forces. I was able to make all the appropriate conversions to have my c3d files properly running in OpenSim, by modifing the Matlab pipeline and the lower_limb.osim model developed by Glen Lichtwark (thanks!). The comparison between OpenSim and BodyBuilder IK and ID results is pretty scary ! I read a very useful post talking about the inverse kinematics data validation in , and, as I thought, the main problem is probably the different joints definition between the model in OpenSim and the modified PiG in BodyBuilder.
So now I have a dilemma to solve! If I want to get muscle forces, what is the more appropriate way to proceed?
1) Rerunning all the IK and ID analyses in OpenSim and then using the results to estimate muscle forces with, for example, static optimization.
2) Using the IK and ID results from BodyBuilder properly converted into OpenSim compatible formats and, from here, continuing to estimate muscle forces.
Both options have several drawbacks. In the first case, I think that the employed markerset is not appropriate for OpenSim because PiG (and UOMAM) marker locations are not as good as a cluster distribution (such as the one used in Gait2354_Simbody.osim) for the identification of the segment movements.
In the second case, the IK and ID results from BodyBuilder would not be consistent with the OpenSim model used for the optimization. Therefore, IK/ID results would be based on different assumptions than the estimations of muscle forces.
Which one do you think is more appropriate? Do you have other suggestions or options how to solve this problem?
Thank you very much, any feedback will be appreciated!
I am an OpenSim new user.
I have data collected in Vicon according to a modified version of Plug-in-Gait (namely UOMAM) that has extra markers on the medial knee condyles and medial malleoli for the calculation of the knee and ankle joint centers. My purpose is estimating muscle forces. I was able to make all the appropriate conversions to have my c3d files properly running in OpenSim, by modifing the Matlab pipeline and the lower_limb.osim model developed by Glen Lichtwark (thanks!). The comparison between OpenSim and BodyBuilder IK and ID results is pretty scary ! I read a very useful post talking about the inverse kinematics data validation in , and, as I thought, the main problem is probably the different joints definition between the model in OpenSim and the modified PiG in BodyBuilder.
So now I have a dilemma to solve! If I want to get muscle forces, what is the more appropriate way to proceed?
1) Rerunning all the IK and ID analyses in OpenSim and then using the results to estimate muscle forces with, for example, static optimization.
2) Using the IK and ID results from BodyBuilder properly converted into OpenSim compatible formats and, from here, continuing to estimate muscle forces.
Both options have several drawbacks. In the first case, I think that the employed markerset is not appropriate for OpenSim because PiG (and UOMAM) marker locations are not as good as a cluster distribution (such as the one used in Gait2354_Simbody.osim) for the identification of the segment movements.
In the second case, the IK and ID results from BodyBuilder would not be consistent with the OpenSim model used for the optimization. Therefore, IK/ID results would be based on different assumptions than the estimations of muscle forces.
Which one do you think is more appropriate? Do you have other suggestions or options how to solve this problem?
Thank you very much, any feedback will be appreciated!