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OpenSim-Matlab API Communication

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2012 4:23 am
by pmelo

I'm planning on using Matlab and OpenSim together to test new control algorithms. I would like to know if the OpenSim API allows the following:
I want to have a control algorithm in Matlab sending different control inputs (muscle excitations for example) with each timestep to OpenSim (forward dynamics engine) and reading the outputs (kinematics for example) so that they can be used for the estimation of new control inputs in the next timestep.

Any feedback will be appreciated! Thank you very much,

Re: OpenSim-Matlab API Communication

Posted: Thu Apr 05, 2012 11:55 am
by aymanh
Hi Paulo,

Although possible to do this process with some effort (mainly extending a class in Java, but this hasn't been tested), I'd recommend you first check out the project on as it allows for precisely the functionality you need in more native Matlab environment by packaging an OpenSim model as a block in Simulink.

Please let us know if you run into problems proceeding in this direction.

Best regards,

Re: OpenSim-Matlab API Communication

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:03 am
by trobert
Dear Ayman,

I am also interested to test the functionalities proposed by this project (opensim_matlab). However sources (in particular the S-function) are only available to project members.

Is it planned to be extended to every OpenSim users ? And how to become a member of this project ?



Re: OpenSim-Matlab API Communication

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 11:12 am
by aymanh
Hi Thomas,

Please contact the project admin on for questions related to this project. They have plans to open it to the public soon but I don't know the current status.

Best of luck,