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Segmental Inertial Parameters

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2012 1:50 pm
by jdewitt
I recently submitted a paper to a journal detailing an evaluation using Delp's base lower extremity model ('Delp, S.L., Loan, J.P., Hoy, M.G., Zajac, F.E., Topp E.L., Rosen, J.M.: An interactive graphics-based model of the lower extremity to study orthopaedic surgical procedures, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 37, pp. 757-767, 1990.'). One of the review comments was to ask where I obtained my estimates for segmental mass and COM locations. This is completed automatically in the scaleing step as these parameters are already included in the model. I was hoping that one of the authors could tell me where they got the inertial parameters used to develop the base model.


Re: Segmental Inertial Parameters

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:14 am
by aymanh
Hi John,

Sorry for the delay, but the values in the model are based on Clay Anderson's paper from 1999 (link below). ... blications

Best regards,