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OpenSim Support Site

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 2:29 pm
by jenhicks
* Note: Updated March 26, 2024 to point to the new platform/link for OpenSim documentation *

You can find documentation, tutorials, and more on our support site: ... m/overview

The online support hub features:
- An integrated, searchable online portal to all OpenSim support resources
- An online, wiki-based version of the user's guide, developer's guide, and other support materials that is linked and easy to navigate
- A central examples/tutorial page, a modeling and simulation best practices guide, teaching materials, FAQs, and a guide for how to contribute to the OpenSim project

We encourage you to use the support site for your OpenSim research and teaching activities!

A couple additional details:
- You will be able to browse/view all of the materials without logging in to the wiki-based documentation site.
- If you want to help out by adding to and improving the wiki-based documentation, please let us know.

Best wishes,

Jennifer L. Hicks, Ph.D.
OpenSim R&D Manager
Stanford University

Re: OpenSim Support Site Launch

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2019 6:12 am
by aryps
we are having problems to submit a post.
it is a long one so we wonder whether there is a limit on the length of the post.