A problem with forward Dynamics (API)
Posted: Tue Jul 03, 2012 5:54 pm
Hi all;
I have modified the TugOfWar example in this code and I have a problem with that.
This code (attached to the end of this post) accepts a 2D array as an input and extracts muscle excitation patterns from this array to perform a forward dynamic (FD) analysis.
The problem is that it only can perform ONE FD analysis and as soon as I want to perform the second analysis, I receive this error message:
An unhandled win32 exception occured in CalcCost.exe[4252].
e.g. if I delete the last two lines of the main function, I will not have any errors. But as soon as I add the last two lines, it ends up in the mentioned error.
Thanks for your help.
I also understood that if I delete this line from the code, the problem will be solved:
Is there any other method to add the controller to the model?
I have modified the TugOfWar example in this code and I have a problem with that.
This code (attached to the end of this post) accepts a 2D array as an input and extracts muscle excitation patterns from this array to perform a forward dynamic (FD) analysis.
The problem is that it only can perform ONE FD analysis and as soon as I want to perform the second analysis, I receive this error message:
An unhandled win32 exception occured in CalcCost.exe[4252].
e.g. if I delete the last two lines of the main function, I will not have any errors. But as soon as I add the last two lines, it ends up in the mentioned error.
Thanks for your help.
I also understood that if I delete this line from the code, the problem will be solved:
Code: Select all
//Add the controller
Code: Select all
//2 Muscles Optimization
#include <OpenSim/OpenSim.h>
#include <ctime> // for clock()
using namespace OpenSim;
using namespace SimTK;
const int numOfNodes = 5; // Number of excitation nodes per muscle.
const double initialTime = 0.0; // initial simulation time.
const double finalTime = 3.00; //Final simulation time.
const double desiredZ = 0.04;
double timeVec[numOfNodes];
double initState[2][2] = {{ 0.0 , 0.09911815 },{ 0.0 , 0.09911815 }};
Model osimModel ("tugOfWar_model.osim");
PrescribedController *muscleController= new PrescribedController();
double calcCost( double excitation[][numOfNodes]);
int main (){
srand ( time(NULL) );
std::clock_t TIC1 = std::clock();
for (int i=0; i<numOfNodes; i++){
timeVec[i] = i*( (finalTime-initialTime)/(numOfNodes-1) );
double excitation[2][numOfNodes] = {{1,1,1,0,0},{0,1,1,0,1}}; //Excitation pattern of the muscles
// Initialize the muscle states //
const Set<Actuator>& actuatorSet = osimModel.getActuators();
ActivationFiberLengthMuscle* muscle1 = dynamic_cast<ActivationFiberLengthMuscle*>( &actuatorSet.get(0) );
ActivationFiberLengthMuscle* muscle2 = dynamic_cast<ActivationFiberLengthMuscle*>( &actuatorSet.get(1) );
muscle1->setDefaultActivation (initState[0][0]); // muscle1 activation
muscle1->setDefaultFiberLength(initState[0][1]); // muscle1 fiber length
muscle2->setDefaultActivation (initState[1][0]); // muscle2 activation
muscle2->setDefaultFiberLength(initState[1][1]); // muscle2 fiber length
double myCost;
myCost= calcCost( excitation );
double excitationNew[2][numOfNodes] = {{1,0,1,0,0},{1,1,0,0,1}};
double dummy1 = calcCost( excitationNew ); //Line 19
return 0; //Line 25
double calcCost( double excitation[][numOfNodes]){
double cost = 0.0; // Initial condition is equal to zero
try {
double muscle1ExcVec[numOfNodes];
double muscle2ExcVec[numOfNodes];
std::cout << "Input:\n";
for (int n=0; n<numOfNodes; n++){
muscle1ExcVec[n] = excitation[0][n];
muscle2ExcVec[n] = excitation[1][n];
std::cout << muscle1ExcVec[n] << " " << muscle2ExcVec[n] << "\n";
// Set the indiviudal muscle control functions for the prescribed muscle controller
muscleController->prescribeControlForActuator("muscle1", new PiecewiseLinearFunction(numOfNodes, timeVec, muscle1ExcVec));
muscleController->prescribeControlForActuator("muscle2", new PiecewiseLinearFunction(numOfNodes, timeVec, muscle2ExcVec));
//Add the controller
// Initialize the system and get the default state
SimTK::State& system = osimModel.initSystem();
// Create the integrator
SimTK::RungeKuttaMersonIntegrator integrator(osimModel.getMultibodySystem());
// Create the manager
Manager manager(osimModel, integrator);
// Integrate from initial time to final time
// Save the simulation results
Storage states(manager.getStateStorage());
catch (OpenSim::Exception ex){
std::cout << ex.getMessage() << std::endl;
return 1;}
catch (std::exception ex){
std::cout << ex.what() << std::endl;
return 1;}
catch (...){
std::cout << "UNRECOGNIZED EXCEPTION" << std::endl;
return 1;}
std::cout << "\nOutput: " << cost << "\n------------------\n";
return cost;
} //calcCost