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Can't get IAA to run

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:06 am
by filipa

I'm trying to run IAA from the comand line based on the OpenSim online Documentation. I am using the example file from Hamner, with all the adaptations to use my own data.

The following message apears:

This program includes software developed by the
Apache Software Foundation (

Constructing tool from setup file 002F_Setup_IAA_Roll.xml.

XMLDocument.XMLDocument: ERROR- SAX exception while attempting to parse
SAXException message = Illegal sequence '--' in comment
file= ..\..\..\Trunk\OpenSim\Common\XMLDocument.cpp
line= 222

I looked for this XMLDocument file but I could't find it anywhere in OpenSim 2.4 folder.
Could you please give me any "lights" concerning this error?

Thank you in advance!


Re: Can't get IAA to run

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 11:21 am
by aymanh
Hi Filipa,

The file referred to in the error message is a source file rather than a file included with the distribution. The error indicates problems parsing the XML file 002F_Setup_IAA_Roll.xml. I'd recommend you try to open the file in any XML file editor, VisualStudio or InternetExplorer and it should tell you which line is problematic. It looks like the file contains comments that were not properly formatted using XML syntax.

Please let me know if you can resolve this or if not please post the file to the forum and I'll help you pinpoint the syntax error.

Best regards,

Re: Can't get IAA to run

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 12:11 pm
by filipa
Thank you Ayman,

I will try to find the problem in the file and then I will let you know :)

Best regards
