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Adjusting a storage file .sto

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 8:44 am
by mgoudriaan1980

I am trying to adjust a .sto file generated with RRA. I tried to remove a few columns in Notepad++, but OpenSim does not recognize the time column after the adjustment, although that is a column I did not touch :). Perhaps I altered the file structure by removing them. If so, does anyone know another program in which I can change a .sto file and after which OpenSim can still use it as such?

kind regards


Re: Adjusting a storage file .sto

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2012 12:10 pm
by aymanh
Hi Marije,

I haven't used Notepad++ for that specific purpose but any text editor should do it, you just need to make sure that the header stays intact and that it's adjusted for the number of columns (after removal). Excel might do a better job handling columns but it introduces blank tabs in the header that you'll need to go back and remove. If the file is small or you can crop it to the first few rows maybe you can post it here so we can tell if there's something that we can do on our side.

Best regards,

Re: Adjusting a storage file .sto

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 4:46 am
by mgoudriaan1980
Hey Ayman,
Thanks for your fast response (again :) ). I have tried excel as well, but it changes the lay out of the document and it takes a lot of work adjusting it. I uploaded the original and adjusted file as a .zip file, I hope you can see what went wrong.


Re: Adjusting a storage file .sto

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 3:10 pm
by aymanh
Hi Marije,

I get an error about inconsistent headers while loading the file NW6_Subject6_RRA_Kinematics_adjusted_q.sto

Code: Select all

Storage: Warning- inconsistent headers in file NW6_Subject6_RRA_Kinematics_adjus
ted_q.sto. nColumns=25 but 24were found

After I change the header to nColumns=24, the file loads without problems.

Hope this helps,

Re: Adjusting a storage file .sto

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 11:51 pm
by mgoudriaan1980
Hey Ayman,

I feel stupid... I have counted the columns about a zillion times and every time I came up with 25. Guess I need to fresh up my adding up :oops: Thanks a lot!
